She became adept at cruising in her crib, moving from one position along the rails to another over the course of a minute or two, as in these photos:
Soon, she was able to walk all the way around her music table (shown here with her friend Shreya) and to transfer from one piece of furniture to another with ease.
Then, one day, I was sitting in the living room with Adelaida and she pulled herself up to standing against the door (using the glass pane borders for support). She often pulled up to a standing position at these doors because I often closed the doors to separate the dogs (in the sunroom) and the baby (in the living room). She liked to look through the glass at Maggie and Murphy, and they liked to look through the glass at her.
She inched her way over to the door jamb, then just continued, pressing her hands to the wall for support.
Amazingly, she did all of this with a toy in her hand!
She was even able to round the (interior) corner walking!
I was so impressed with her new mobility that I didn't realize immediately that her goal was the electrical outlet on that section of wall -- she tried to insert her toy into the outlet sockets and to hang the ring on the outlet.
The next day, we put electrical outlet covers on all the Adelaida-accessible electrical outlets.
This all happened about three weeks ago, and today Adelaida would rather cruise than crawl. She cruises down the hallway, around the living room, from chair to chair (and knee to knee) under the kitchen table, and along the cabinets in the kitchen. She hasn't yet taken any independent steps, but can make her way across just about any room by cruising!