Almost immediately after moving into our new house in December, we realized that we needed some serious help decorating. Dale and I both have many talents, but those talents do not in any way include decorating, choosing colors, or determining whether something is aesthetically pleasing or atrocious. We weren't just a little bit intimidated with decorating the house; we had absolutely no idea how to begin.

Fortunately, I am related to an amazing interior decorator, and soon after we moved in I asked Ruth if she would be interested in helping us decorate the house. She agreed, and a few months later called to let me know that she and my Papaw would be taking a road trip to see her niece's graduation and wondered if they could stop by to help us decorate on their way to the graduation party. (My grandparents live in Florida, and I later found out that the graduation party is in Pennsylvania -- New Mexico isn't exactly on the most direct path from Florida to Pennsylvania, but they are retired and enjoy driving across the country, so stopping to see us on the way really made sense!)

Papaw and Ruth arrived in late May and stayed with us for a week. I had hoped that we could accomplish quite a bit during that week, like choose colors for the walls, put some greenery above the kitchen cabinets, and maybe have a few pieces of art that we own framed and hung on the walls. We were able to do all of that and so much more!
We bought some furniture and rugs, visited consignment shops, placed greenery above the cabinets, bought several pieces of art, found an amazing mirror, picked out paint colors for the walls, and generally transformed our formerly cold, impersonal, cavernous house into a warm, welcoming, decorated home. Thank you Ruth!

As an added bonus, Papaw is superman when it comes to fixing things. On the initial tour of the house, he saw several things that needed to be fixed. While Ruth and I were out shopping, Papaw stayed home and removed several items from Dale's honey-do list -- he rearranged the shelves and hanging clothes rods in our closet, removed a shelf in the closet, removed shelves in our breakfast nook, patched about a hundred holes in the walls, touched up the paint on our walls, and hung at least twenty wall hangings and pieces of art. Thank you Papaw!
It was a busy week, but certainly a fun one. When they weren't busy decorating and fixing the house for us, Papaw and Nana enjoyed playing with the kids. Adelaida became especially attached to them, and Estella and Cordelia still ask if Nana and Papaw are going to pick them up from school. We can't wait for the next visit with Papaw and Nana!