Several of Adelaida's activities happen solely or primarily with me--things like nursing, getting dressed in the mornings, and playing during the day. Dale and I both wanted him to have some special times with Adelaida as well, so Dale volunteered to be Adelaida's primary bath-giver.

He bathes her twice a week in the evenings, using an infant tub inside the regular bathtub. She is still too small for the infant tub, so ends up getting sliding down the tub pretty frequently. Dale has to set her upright periodically during the bath.
He puts only a small amount of water in the bathtub, then pours warm water over her to keep her warm. Adelaida spends most of her bathtime just looking at Dale, and has recently started splashing in the bath as well. She definitely enjoys her baths...

...right up to the point that she gets out of the tub and Dale wraps her in her flower blanket. Fortunately, the crying is very temporary and she is soon her happy self again.

After her bath is over, Dale dutifully puts baby lotion on her face, puts her diaper on, dresses her for bed, and brushes her hair--which results in her crazy hair being slicked down on her head for at least a few minutes.

I've only bathed Adelaida a few times--when we were in Salt Lake City, twice in Indiana, and once when Dale was working late. Every time I do, I conveniently forget to brush her hair. I think she likes having crazy hair :)

18 Apr 2009 Update: Adelaida has now outgrown her baby bath (or rather, she still hasn't grown into it and it is too much trouble to keep her upright), so we stopped using it. She now lays down in the tub during bathtime on a towel in the tub. She seems to like this, as she can wave her hands and splash herself during the bath. She also has a tendency to miss the water and hit herself instead!
I like your crazy hair too, Adelaida!