In honor of Dale, who has been an incredible father (and a pretty great husband, too) I thought I'd show off some cute father-daughter pictures from the past six months.
The proud Daddy, approximately six hours after Adelaida's birth. She already has her hand clasped around her Daddy's finger!
By the time she was three days old and almost ready to be released from the hospital, Dale was already comfortable being a Daddy, and Adelaida was pretty comfortable on his lap!
Dale holding Adelaida when she was one week old
Adelaida enjoyed playing on the floor with her daddy from the time she was a week old
Watching football with her Daddy, at three weeks old
Dale carried Adelaida through Carlsbad Caverns when she was a month old
At two months old, Adelaida was introduced to "flying" through the air, on an airport train in Denver
Adelaida helped her Daddy play cards when she was two months old
More fun flying through the air, when Adelaida was two months old
This was the last time Adelaida was able to wear her "Daddy Loves Me" onesie -- she outgrew it when she was three months old
Ah, the good old days, when we could hold Adelaida on our laps while eating and she wouldn't reach for everything she could see!
Dale got his new BlackBerry when Adelaida was four months old. She didn't seem to mind the hat over her face!
Adelaida's first hike with her daddy, when she was four months old
Daddy-daughter swimming lessons when Adelaida was five months old
Baby push-ups
Adelaida loves to be held upside down and have her daddy nibble on her ears. Dale is using this opportunity to teach her "left" and "right" by telling her which ear he is going to nibble. She loves it!
Dale took a break from kickball to hold Adelaida
Six months old and she still loves to go hiking with her daddy.
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