Adelaida is almost eight months old, and isn't yet able to pull herself up to a standing position from sitting or lying down, but she is getting close. I've been encouraging her to pull herself up from a sitting position whenever I can, and she's getting pretty good at that. I hadn't thought much more of her new talent until yesterday, when I went to pick her up from her crib after her nap, and briefly stood her up inside the crib. That's when I noticed that, when standing inside the crib, the top railing of her crib hits Adelaida at about her hips.
I knew then that we had to make some changed in her bedroom, before we found out the hard way that she had figured out how to stand and tumble out of the crib.

Her crib is designed so that the crib rails can be raised or lowered, and there are about eight settings for the height of the mattress. I like having the rails low (so I can reach into the crib easily), so we moved the mattress from the highest setting to the lowest. Her crib rails now come up to her armpits when she stands in her crib, so it will be much more difficult for her to fall out of the crib once she learns to stand up by herself!
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