By Adelaida's two-month birthday, Dale and I were just becoming really confident as parents.
And at four months old, Adelaida was becoming a much more confident baby. She had obvious likes (sleeping, the dogs, playing with her daddy) and dislikes (getting dressed, being hot) and was able to let us know when she liked or disliked something.
By six months, Adelaida was a frequent traveler, having visited southern New Mexico, northern Colorado, Salt Lake City, Indiana, and southern Colorado.
Eight months old was a hard time for Adelaida -- she could see things that were far away from her and that she wanted, but wasn't able to move (at least not forward) to get her desire.
Now she is ten months old and she is rarely still! Her favorite mode of motion is to walk, but she still requires at least one hand to walk, so often settles for crawling instead. As recently as two weeks ago we could set her down on the floor in a sitting position and she would remain sitting, but then she discovered she could get into the crawling position from sitting! And now she rarely sits still. It has been a wonderful process to watch her develop and learn to crawl and we are definitely ready for her to start walking on her own!
This is the best "bonus picture" of Adelaida and Pink Panther I could get this month: it is Adelaida, moments after the last picture was taken, rolling away from Pink Panther so she could crawl around and explore the room. If I had to choose one adjective to describe Adelaida, it would be "happy;" if I could choose two adjectives, I'd add "squirmy!"
squirmy... that sounds familiar :)