Today, Adelaida and I went to a playgroup with some friends who have a really neat playset in their backyard. The playset has a slide, and after Adelaida played around the base of the playset for a while, I thought she might enjoy going down the slide. I sat her at the top of the slide and prepared to catch her (it wasn't a huge slide, but big enough that I wanted to catch her the first time she went down it). She was excited to go down the slide, but couldn't get started by herself. So, I reached up to gently pull her legs to start her. As I was pulling her legs, she twisted and ended up with her upper body sideways just as her lower body started going down the slide. This resulted in Adelaida's face smacking into the side of the slide.
I was right there with her and realized that she had hit the slide pretty hard, so immediately picked her up, and as I did, I saw blood on the side of the slide where she had hit her face. My little girl's first mouth wound! She cried for a few minutes and then just wanted me to hold her for a few minutes (fortunately I was wearing a dark brown shirt, so couldn't see all the blood that had transferred from Adelaida's mouth to my shoulder!). After a few minutes of being held and comforted, Adelaida was ready to get down and play again.
It wasn't until about an hour later, when I was putting her in the car to go home and she stuck out her tongue, that I realized where the wound was. She had a little sore on her tongue, where it looked like she had bitten her tongue when she hit the side of the slide. After bath this evening, we were able to get a picture of the injury (the red spot on the right side of Adelaida's tongue):
We also got the first picture ever (I think) of Adelaida's top front teeth:
She survived her first mouth wound well, and I think I survived it pretty well, too! I knew that mouth wounds bleed a lot, so wasn't worried when I saw a lot of blood, and sure enough she was fine within a few minutes!
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