Two big events have occurred in the past six weeks that affect me directly, and are most of the reason that I haven't had time to post any new blogs. The first was an important meeting with my dissertation committee on May 10. I met with my committee (four UNM faculty members) for an annual meeting at which I updated them on the research I have completed and how I hope to finish the research for my degree. This necessitated a relatively formal research presentation, which took a long time to prepare. And of course, as I prepared the presentation, I found things that needed to be done and things that needed to be redone before giving the presentation, so I was very busy doing more research during that time as well. The meeting went well -- I learned about a lot of things that I need to be doing differently, but have a good plan for continuing my research. The best part of this meeting was that I finally feel like I know what I need to do to finish my degree and can complete it in the (relatively) near future!
The second big event in my life recently is that I was offered a summer internship at Sandia National Laboratories and started yesterday! I wasn't exactly looking for this job, but when I heard about it I knew it would be a great experience for me so decided to take it. I'll be working full-time, for approximately the next fourteen weeks, which means Adelaida will be in school full-time for the summer. That will be hard for her and hard on me, but we can do it for three months. I'm putting my research on hold during the internship (or almost on hold; I plan to continue working on it, but at a drastically reduced pace), which means it may take a bit longer for me to finish my degree, but it will be well worth the benefits of this internship.
It's time to wake Adelaida up, so I will leave you with a recent picture of her, and a promise to write more soon.
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