29 September 2010

Telluride Vacation: on the playground

Several times while we were in Telluride, I took Adelaida up to the Mountain Village playground. This playground has a very serious playset, designed for older kids. There was no way for Adelaida to reach the climbing platform, except by me putting her up there!

I would place her on the rope floor; she would move across the rope floor to the bridge; stand and walk across the bridge; sit down on the other side and walk three-quarters of the way around the giant hole in the middle of the platform to the slide, sit on the slide and slide down on the belly -- her favorite way to go down any slide. The first six or eight times she navigated this playstructure, I walked with her the whole way, ready to catch her if she fell through the rope floor, or fell through the bridge slats, or fell off the side of the bridge, or fell down the hole in the center of the slide platform -- there were a lot of ways for Adelaida to fall off this structure! But she navigated it successfully several times, and my confidence in her increased to the point that I could actually step back and take a few pictures.

Transferring from the rope floor to the bridge:

Crawling across the bridge (which was odd, since she usually walked across the bridge):

And walking across the bridge:

Here Adelaida is crawling around the platform with the giant hole in the middle of it. What were they thinking putting a giant hole in the middle of this platform?

The playground had two pieces of equipment: the playstructure and a teeter-totter. I tried once to put Adelaida on the teeter-totter, and she responded by clinging to my neck for dear life. So when Dale and Michael arrived and wanted to put Adelaida on the teeter-totter, I thought that was a bad idea. But there must be something magic about being on a teeter-totter while sitting on daddy's lap that makes the teeter-totter fun and exciting rather than scary -- she loved it!

(I think Dale enjoyed it a little bit too!)

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