I think these pictures, taken on her month-birthday each month, really show just how much she has grown in the past two years.
Her birth-day, December 20th, 2008. She has come so far from such a rough beginning!
Five days old, just home from the hospital and still too small for her clothes.
One month old, happy to be carried in the laundry basket.
At two months old, she was already so inquisitive, quietly taking in the world around her.
At three months old, Adelaida still liked to snuggle and could fall asleep with me holding her. I miss those days!
Here she is at four months old, with her thumb in her mouth. Surprisingly, she stopped sucking her thumb when she was about nine months old.
By five months, Adelaida would laugh at everything! She was so much fun and we just loved to hear her laugh.
Six months old and just a bit shorter than Pink Panther:
Such a happy seven-month old!
Her hair started laying down on her head around eight months :
Nine months old and mobile!
By ten months, Adelaida could really get around: she would cruise around furniture when she could, and crawl when she couldn't cruise. Getting her to lay still for this photo was tough!
Eleven-month-old Adelaida loved to "perform" on demand: clapping, waving, and repeating sign language back to us. She could also say "da-da" but didn't really add "ma-ma" to her vocabulary for another few months.
One-year-old Adelaida was so much fun! In just one year, she grew from a tiny infant who needed to much attention to an independent, beautiful, smart little girl.
At this point I started taking Pink Panther pictures once every three months instead of every month.
Fifteen-month-old Adelaida was fascinated by tags. And, she could say "ma-ma!" I was so delighted every time I heard her say my name.
Adelaida at eighteen months, with such a cute bellybutton!
Finally, by twenty-one months old, Adelaida was clearly longer than Pink Panther. She had about a nine-month plateau in growing where she didn't grow at all, but seems to have gotten back on track and is now gaining both length and weight, although slowly.
For her two-year Pink Panther picture, Dale had to take Pink Panther into the closet (where Adelaida was sure to follow) to get a decent photo of Adelaida next to Pink Panther!
It has been such a short two years, and yet Adelaida has changed so much. I am looking forward to the next two years with her!
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