Despite an intense dislike of spraying water, Adelaida is very happy to be in a large body of water, whether it is a swimming pool or a bathtub. Here are some pictures from our first two lessons:
She looks so happy!
The one part of being in a large body of water that Adelaida is not comfortable with is lying on her back. But in her first swim lesson, she was even willing to lie back on Dale's chest for a few seconds.
I don't think this was in the formal lesson plan, but Adelaida's favorite part of swim lessons the first week was dunking her daddy!
At the second lesson, Adelaida was so proud of herself for blowing bubbles in the water!
She was also quite adept at kicking her legs in he water.
Her favorite part of swim lessons today was sitting on the edge of the pool and jumping in. Dale worked with her quite a bit to teach her to lean her head forward rather than backward so she wouldn't hit her head on the side of the pool as she jumped in.
I'm hoping that these lessons will be fun for her and help her feel more comfortable in the water. So far, my goals are being met!
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