Cordelia has really grown a lot in the past month. Her head and neck strength have increased significantly and she loves to wrap her little hand around my finger and hold on to me. Just like her momma, Cordelia appreciates her sleep! She falls asleep easily and is starting to sleep longer stretches at night, although her little stomach still demands food a little more frequently than I would like in the middle of the night. Cordelia is still a little smaller than Estella, but catching up to her, just a few ounces behind.
newborn Cordelia
one-month-old Cordelia
two-month-old Cordelia
Estella has changed a lot this past month, too. Most significantly, she has become a much more mellow baby! For the first month, when Estella wanted something, she wanted it immediately. She would cry so long and so hard that I rushed to take care of her first, even if Cordelia needed my attention at the same time. In the past month, however, Estella has been crying less and less, and seems to be much more calm and able to wait for whatever she needs. She is also sleeping better at night! It is still hard to get her to go to sleep sometimes, but once she is asleep she will often sleep for an eight hour stretch at night.
newborn Estella
one-month-old Estella
two-month-old Estella
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