Just after Labor Day, I flew to Indiana with Adelaida, Cordelia, and Estella for a two-week vacation and my sister's wedding. Dale couldn't take two weeks off work, so stayed in Albuquerque for the first week and then joined us for the second week. I really don't think I could have flown back with the three girls by myself, so I'm so grateful to my dad and Mary Jo for traveling to Indiana with us -- three adults proved much better able to handle a toddler and two infants than one adult would have been!
six-month-old Simon meets two-month-old Estella |
One of the first things I did in Indiana was meet my newest nephew, Simon! Simon James was born in March and was considerably older, bigger, and more mature than his baby cousins. He tried to teach them all kinds of cool tricks, like holding his head up and rolling across the floor and talking "GAA YAA YAA BAA" and grasping toys (or really anything else within Simon-reach). In return, Adelaida tried to teach him some cool tricks, like jumping and climbing onto chairs and eating solid food.
Simon is big, strong, and full of energy! He is also a really happy baby, smiling and talking all the time. And he absolutely adores his momma -- and I suspect that the adoration is mutual!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of Simon:
Simon and Estella contemplate each other
Wow, I had forgotten how to feed an infant! Simon was a great sport about it and didn't seem to mind all the butternut squash that ended up on his face, bib, clothes, hands, and tray.
Adelaida decided Simon was an OK kid. She lavished him with kisses and tried to talk to him every time he started talking his adorable baby talk!
With a little help from his mom, Simon drives the tractor at Apple Works.
Simon is over two feet tall -- and growing!
Papaw carries Simon and Adelaida.
Simon hanging out with his cousins -- Simon, Estella, Cordelia, Adelaida.
We look forward to seeing you more, Simon!
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