Back in December, Dale set our camera up on a tripod, positions Cordelia and Estella on a blanket in the center of the frame, and took a series of photos. Here they are:
Initial configuration: Cordelia on the left, Estella in the middle, and Adelaida on the right.
Of course, Adelaida was way too busy to stay still long
Estella really wants to move, she has rolled onto her side
And now Estella is on her stomach! Adelaida comes back to check on her sisters.
New configuration: Cordelia on the left, Adelaida in the middle, Estella on the right
Estella decides to continue rolling
Estella looks like she is going to get the pink rabbit. She'll keep rolling over until she reaches it. Cordelia loves to kick her feet up in the air, but hasn't figured out rolling yet.
Estella rolls again, her primary form of locomotion at this point in her life
Estella is now stuck next to the sofa
Dale rotated Estella so she'd have a clear path to roll
Estella keeps rolling, and Cordelia thinks she'll try to roll as well
Cordelia is back on her back, and Estella rolls right out of the frame of the camera
Cordelia and Adelaida on the blanket
And suddenly, Cordelia has rolled over! Her first roll, caught on (digital) film :)
With the blanket now empty, Dale moved on to take pictures of more interesting things!
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