Over the next few days, we tried to do something fun with the kids every day, whether it was going to a bouncy castle play area, playing at the park, or taking a walk. Here are some pictures from our week in Indiana.
The Greenwood Park Mall has a great play structure for toddlers. All four of our kids loved it! Here, Estella practices standing at one of the climbing structures.
Cordelia and Estella eventually got down on the floor and started doing what they did best: army crawling. I'm not sure if Cordelia was crawling faster than Estella and just decided to go over her, or if Cordelia thought she'd have a better view if she could just gain a few inches. Either way, Estella didn't mind and Cordelia continued to crawl on her for several minutes!
Rachel let Simon take a little bus ride at the mall. Simon wasn't so sure about the weird animal next to him in the bus!
Back at Nonna and Poppa's house, four pajama-clad kids (Cordelia, Adelaida, Estella, Simon) play together. We just loved watching these cousins play together!
Papaw and Nana were staying in Indy while we were there and we learned that Papaw is an excellent baby-holder. Of course, since Estella and Cordelia are his third set of granddaughter/great-granddaughter twins, he's had a lot of experience holding two baby girls!
Late May in Indiana can be described by two words: hot and humid. Rachel pulled out the sprinkler and let Simon and Adelaida run around in the sprinkler. Adelaida loved the water play!
Simon found a hose attachment and walked around the yard with the hose attachment. He wasn't all that interested in the sprinkler.
Nonna gets to love on Estella and Cordelia together!
I have so many more pictures from this wonderful trip and will continue to write about our time in Indiana again soon.
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