Annabelle and Adelaida read books together. Annabelle was so adorable helping with Adelaida, and Adelaida was happy to follow Annabelle everywhere she went!
Soon Annabelle decided to dip her feet in the kiddie pool. Adelaida followed and soon we'd stripped her and put her in the pool. It feels so refreshing on a hot, humid summer day!
Eventually Simon woke up and was ready to jump into the pool, clothes and all! Fortunately we were able to undress him before he jumped in, and he and Adelaida played together in the kiddie pool for about an hour.
In the afternoon, we went to Fred and Carol's lake house for a family gathering. Between the rafts, the leisure boat, swimming in the lake, the lake surfboards, and the plentiful food, there was more than enough to keep everyone occupied. Here are some of the pictures I took that afternoon.
We borrowed a life jacket for Adelaida and she was happy to go out on the raft with some of the big girls. For a normally timid child, Adelaida was very adventurous at the lake!
Grandpa, Cordelia, Grandma, and Estella watch the big kids play in the lake.
Owen and a dog stop by the blanket to say hi to Estella and Cordelia.
Adelaida jumped off the boat dock into Michael's arms. For weeks she talked about going swimming with Uncle Michael. She loved it!
After their swim, Uncle Michael and Adelaida relaxed together in a raft. They both look so happy and content!
Estella helps Cordelia finish her lunch.
The next photo is, in my opinion, the most impressive one of the entire trip. 19 kids (ages 10 months to 18) plus 9 dogs sitting together for a picture, all smiling (or at least not crying), all looking at (or at least near) the camera. Wow! This picture has 19 of my grandparents' 24 great-grandchildren (the other five weren't at the party that day). Simon is in the back left, Estella is in the front left, Adelaida is in the front middle next to Annabelle, and Cordelia is in the back right.
Just imagine all those kids, plus a couple dozen adults, running around at the lake house that afternoon, swimming, taking boat rides, relaxing on the rafts, eating at the picnic tables. It was really a wonderful gathering and we so enjoyed spending time with our extended family who we just don't get to see often enough!
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