Our trip began with a drive to Denver so that Dale could compete in a trail run in Colorado, and Dale continued on to Ouray/Telluride for the Imogene Pass Trail Run while I flew from Denver to Indianapolis with the girls (without Dale!). I was a little bit nervous about flying with the girls by myself -- after all, I had to lug two car seats (plus a carry-on) through the airport with me, I had two recently-potty-trained two-year-olds who LOVED to visit new toilets, and the four of us couldn't all sit in one row, so I had to put Adelaida across the aisle from me next to some strangers. Luck was with me the whole way, though. First, I gave myself plenty of time at the airport so I wouldn't be rushed, and had the girls hold onto a rope so that they would stay near me. We ended up in the security line next to a very nice couple -- the woman was a retired elementary school music teacher and they were going to Indiana also! They helped me through security and walked (slowly!) with us through the airport to our gate, then even watched our luggage while I took the girls to the toilet in the terminal. I was feeling pretty good about my luck at that point, but that all paled in comparison to what happened next. While I walked the girls back to the gate from the bathroom, I saw someone who looked suspiciously like my Aunt Carol walking toward me. And right next to her were Aunt Debbie and Aunt Bobbi! I approached them and found out that they were flying to Indiana also, and were on the same flight with me! I immediately went from a lone mother flying with three young kids to a group of four adults and three young kids -- a much more manageable ratio! Debbie, Carol, and Bobbi helped me get the girls onto the plane, sat next to Adelaida on the plane, and helped us disembark and gather our luggage. I'm sure I could have done it without them, but their presence made my trip infinitely easier!
We arrived safely in Indiana and started the conference/vacation. I gave two talks (both of which went very well), met up with chemistry friends from high school and college, and attended several very interesting presentations. It was great for me to see what others are doing and have a chance to hear responses to the research I'm doing! One of the best things about the ACS conferences is that they have free day care for kids of conference participants. I took the girls to the ACS daycare two days, and they loved it! They did crafts, played games, watched movies, and even had meals provided at the conference. It is a great conference benefit for parents.
When the girls weren't at the conference day care, they stayed with Mom and Mikel, with a little help from GG and Auntie Rachel. With Simon and Anderson there too, it was a very full house!
The weekend after the conference ended was my dad's retirement party, so we stayed for the weekend and Dale joined us in Indiana for the retirement party. It was a great opportunity to visit with family, celebrate Dad's career, and of course take a hay ride. I'm not sure who enjoyed the hay ride more, my dad or the kids!
Although I did take my camera on this trip, I really didn't take many pictures. Here is one of the four "big" cousins eating suckers at Mom and Mikel's apartment.
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