We spent a glorious spring day at the zoo, seeing animals, running around, and riding the zoo train. Here is a picture Laura took of us on the train: Dale and Estella in the back row; Marie, Cordelia, Elizabeth, Adelaida, and Sarah in the middle row; and Benjamin and Richard in the front.
Here's a cute picture of Elizabeth at the zoo, with Adelaida in the background.
Cordelia and Estella were young enough that walking around the zoo all day would have been difficult for them, but old enough that they wanted to run around a little bit. We took the stroller so they could ride if they wanted, and even though it is only a double stroller, Dale found a nice little perch for Adelaida on the top.
All six cousins on the lion statue: (from left) Benjamin, Elizabeth, Sarah, Adelaida, Estella, and Cordelia. Adelaida wasn't too excited about posing and ran out of the picture moments after this one was taken.
One of the highlights of every zoo trip is feeding the ducks. Here, Estella, Cordelia, and I are throwing food to the ducks in the pond.
We had so much fun last spring with the Colorado Parkes family and are looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks, in Colorado!
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