11 March 2009

Four Generations of First-Born Daughters

IMG_1343Adelaida had two very special visitors this week: her Nonna (my mom) and her GG (my grandma Betty). Adelaida enjoyed playing with her Nonna and GG, and I'm pretty sure Nonna and GG enjoyed playing with Adelaida :)


Having them here was especially wonderful for me, as I'm trying to finish a poster that I'll be presenting at a conference in March. I was able to get a lot of work done while they kept Adelaida occupied during the day, and they were a wonderful help with folding laundry and preparing dinner!


The week was full of fun activities, most of which focused on Adelaida. We played with her on her turtle play mat, took a couple of walks in the neighborhood, and introduced her to a mylar balloon tied to her ankle (more on that later). We also introduced GG to sushi on Saturday night, when we met some friends for dinner (both Adelaida and 4-month-old Shreya were wonderful restaurant patrons and weren't at all scared by the sudden heat from the Teppan grill's roaring flames).

IMG_1335Both Nonna and GG were amazed at how much Adelaida changed just in the few days they were with her--most notably, she really increased her vocabulary (adding "goo" "gaa" "uhh" "ohh" and "baa" to her previously limited vocabulary of "caa" and "ahh"). Adelaida really enjoyed making sounds this week and would lay on her changing table or turtle play mat and "talk" for ten minutes at a time.

IMG_1361Nonna and GG also provided Dale and me with a much-appreciated evening out. We went to see Comedy of Errors on Sunday afternoon, then stayed out for a wonderful dinner of prosciutto-wrapped scallops at Artichoke Cafe. Thanks GG and Nonna!

The highlight of the visit was our opportunity to take a picture of four generations of first-born daughters--a pretty special picture!

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