04 March 2009

Trip to Colorado, Part 2

IMG_1234We loaded up all of our gear on Sunday morning and drove around the Rockies and up to Loveland to spend time with our family there. We stayed with Charlotte, who was amazed at how much Adelaida had grown in the eight weeks since she'd seen her last (more on that in a future post!).

IMG_1226We spent a nice, relaxing afternoon that included a game of cards for the adults. About a quarter of the way into the game, Dale was losing horrendously to Charlotte (and I wasn't far behind her), so he paused the game to go get his "good luck charm." She had just woken up from a nap and was eager to help him play cards, but she must not have known the rules of the game, because Dale never did catch up to us.

We met Dale's extended family for dinner: his aunt Karen, aunt Janet, uncle Steve, cousin Kris, cousin-in-law Steph, and second cousin(?) Kadan all went out to dinner with us. Kadan is five months old and is so big compared to Adelaida! He is a beautiful baby and his favorite activities seem to be grinning and jumping. He would stand on his dad's or mom's legs and jump and jump and jump and jump... for what seemed like hours! The two babies were passed around all evening and were just as happy as they could be.

Here are some pictures from dinner:
Aunt Janet holding Adelaida
Aunt Karen holding Adelaida
Kadan, with Steph and Kris
The two babies eyeing each other

We ate breakfast at Schmidt's (Dale's favorite breakfast restaurant), then packed up our things and drove back to Denver. We were sad to leave the Mazda 5 (what a great vehicle!), but happy to fly back to Albuquerque and rescue the pups from the kennel. We didn't have any problems flying with Adelaida, and I now feel much more comfortable about our upcoming trip to Indiana, when I'll be flying with her by myself.

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