This is one of my favorite pictures of her standing, using her wooden block set walker to stay upright.
Adelaida has not just the one walker shown above, but three (yes, three!) walkers, all slightly different but all still essentially made for the same purpose. Dale has expressly forbidden me from acquiring any more walkers (or other large plastic toys) for Adelaida, so she'll just have to make do with the three walkers she already has. Here she is with the second walker, which has an activity center on the other side that she can sit in front of to play.
Here she is standing up on the counter, using Jamie for support, back in July.
I do a lot of bending over these days, since Adelaida enjoys walking just as much as she likes to stand, but requires my two hands to walk (I'm trying to wean her down to using just one hand).
Here is the back of Adelaida (on the left, in pink), standing next to her friend Shreya on a train ride at the zoo. Both girls had excellent balance and didn't fall at all, even as the train started and stopped.
In this picture, Adelaida is at the park standing next to another friend, Luca. She was so interested in looking at Luca that I couldn't get her to look at me for the picture.
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