Adelaida had a very special treat this Labor Day weekend: her Mamaw came out for a visit! Adelaida was so happy to see her Mamaw, and I think Charlotte was a little bit happy to see her granddaughter, too :)

We had quite an exciting weekend. Charlotte arrived Friday evening, and after a short play session to satisfy both the visitor and the visited, we all four turned in for the night. Saturday was a luxurious day -- we didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do! Instead, we played a bit at home, Adelaida practiced standing, and we went for a short hike near our house. Adelaida got to ride on her Daddy's shoulders for a large part of the hike (she especially enjoys pulling on his hair and tugging on his ears), which was a real treat for her.

Later in the hike, Dale got a very special treat -- Adelaida fell asleep in his arms! Although she used to do this all the time, she seems to have outgrown this precious act and we don't get to carry her sleeping very often any more.

On Sunday, we took a family trip to the zoo. We saw almost all the animals in the zoo, including the adorable baby orangutan and a much (much!) larger version of Snuffles Jr. Adelaida is getting to the point now where she actually looks at and pays attention to the animals at the zoo, so taking her is really fun. She doesn’t seem to notice many of the smaller animals, but really enjoyed looking at the polar bear, tigers, giraffes, and gorillas.

Monday was another relaxing morning. We sat on the floor a lot and read to Adelaida and helped Adelaida play with her blocks. In the afternoon, we went to a Labor Day party with my chemistry group, then Charlotte had to leave us. It was a short visit, but a wonderful one!
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