A month ago, I posted videos of Adelaida's early attempts at walking. We had so much fun teaching her to walk and seeing her toddle around with both hands held up in the air!
The adorable walking-with-her-hands-held-high stage has sadly passed, and Adelaida now walks much like a seasoned, accomplished walker. The freedom it affords her is wonderful, but I do miss that cute toddling stage.
Here are some other pictures and videos of Adelaida walking, some taken when she enjoyed walking for the sake of being able to walk, and some more recent videos of Adelaida walking as a means of moving from one location to another.
Walking around with my car keys
One afternoon Adelaida found two socks on her bedroom floor and had so much fun walking down the hall with one sock in each hand!
The sock-carrying went on for about an hour, so I was able to get video as well as pictures. (No, Adelaida is not walking on the wall -- I just forgot to rotate the video before posting it.)
She recently learned that she can carry an object in her mouth while she walks, freeing her hands up to carry two other objects.
Note all the toys scattered on the kitchen floor. We've been trying to teach her to put her toys away when she's done, but her favorite activity is still taking the toys from one place to another, then going back to relocate another toy. She also likes to touch the camera!
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