Adelaida loves to be "swung" between Dale and me, so whenever she is holding both of our hands, she pulls her feet up and says "wheeee!" -- thanks to Diane for taking this picture just at the end of swinging Adelaida.
Looking south from Balloon Fiesta Park, balloons fill the sky!
The special shapes balloons are always fun to see, like this jack-in-the-box.
Look, Mom -- it's Smokey Bear!
A recurring big hit at Balloon Fiesta are the bees: matching bee balloons, one with red antenna and one with blue antenna. This year, there was a surprise third bee, with purple antenna: the bees had a baby!
Dale and Adelaida pause for a father-daughter tickle break.
Looking straight up at the balloons flying overhead.
We were walking around Balloon Fiesta Park when it suddenly got very dark -- we looked up and realized we were in the shadow of a solar eclipse!
The owl and cactus were two of the last balloons to go up.
More to come!
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