1. I could make something (but then I'd have to be creative -- not my strongest suit -- and I'd have to find some time to make a costume, which was not promising),
2. I could go out and buy a new costume for her (but costumes are so expensive for something worn only a few times, and I'd have to find time to go shopping, and I'd have to go shopping!), or
3. I could try to buy a used costume for her (but used costumes are hit-or-miss -- I might find a great costume for a four-year-old, or a great costume in her size that has stains/rips, or the used kids clothing stores might be completely out of 12-month-size costumes, and I'd have to go shopping!).
I was faced with three options, none of which I was excited about, so I did what I generally do in such situations -- nothing. Then, one day I was looking for something in Adelaida's closet and saw the costume she wore last year. It was size 9-12 month, but it was extremely large for her last year, and she is still wearing 12-month clothes, so I thought there might be a chance it would fit her. I pulled it out, held it up to her, and it looked like it would fit just fine! Problem solved -- I'd dress Adelaida in the same costume this year that she wore last year.
The costume is a flower, with four pieces: two yellow booties, a green velvet-y "stem" jumpsuit, and a flower petal headdress. I had held the jumpsuit part up to Adelaida to see if it fit, and Adelaida realized it was very soft and fuzzy (she has only recently started to like soft fuzzy things) and carried it around the rest of the day. I didn't get it back until she went to sleep that night, so promptly hid the costume again so it wouldn't be carried around like an old blanket before Halloween.
I didn't get the costume out again until Saturday, the day of her first Halloween party. I was a little apprehensive about the headdress, because it completely framed Adelaida's face and, while she has the body of a 12-month-old, she has the head of a 22-month-old. I was worried the headdress would be too tight for her. So, two hours before the party on Saturday, I tried the entire costume on Adelaida, intending to put it on, make sure she would be comfortable in it, and then take it off until the party.
She wore it the rest of the day, insisting that she did not want the headdress off and crying when I removed her booties so she could walk outside in the wet grass.
Here are several pictures of Adelaida playing outside in her Halloween costume before the party.
Our little flower, swinging on the big-kid swing!
Going down the slide
Sometimes Adelaida prefers the baby swing, because she can go so much higher
Here is a picture of Adelaida last year at Halloween -- not much different at 22 months than she was at ten months!
It looks like we put Adelaida in a baby swing last Halloween, too!
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