Time really does fly when you are having fun, and our little girl is certainly fun! We celebrated Adelaida's third birthday this week and I started reminiscing about the past three years with her.

It seems like just three
days ago that I held my baby girl for the first time, marveling at her little tiny hand wrapped around my finger. She was so precious and so tiny and all I wanted to do was hold her and protect her and love her!

And the next thing I knew, she was smiling at me and laughing and eating butternut squash and crawling toward the dogs' water bowl and saying "da-da" and suddenly she wasn't an infant any more.

And wasn't it just two days ago that Adelaida was taking her first steps and feeding herself and saying more and more words like "ball" and "puppy" and "hippopotamus" and asking me to read her twenty books every day and developing real independent interests and melting my heart with her smiles?!

But still she grew up so fast, and yesterday (wasn't it just yesterday?) she stopped wearing diapers and didn't need a bib anymore and started singing the most adorable songs at naptime and said "I'm independent!" and her words became phrases and phrases became sentences and sentences became whole stories!

And today Adelaida is a smart, kind, confident three-year-old who loves her baby sisters and adores her daddy and still has a beautiful smile and an infectious laugh. She is strong-willed and independent but when faced with choices, she generally makes good decisions. I am so proud of the big girl she has become.
Adelaida is also getting bigger -- or is Pink Panther just getting shorter? Here are some of the traditional pink panther pictures of Adelaida over the past three years:
two months old
nine months old
one and a half years old
two years old
three years old
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