newborn Cordelia
one-month-old Cordelia
two-month-old Cordelia
three-month-old Cordelia
four-month-old Cordelia
I tried to get a picture of Cordelia with her legs straight out, but she insisted on lifting them up. She loves to chew on her hands and drools A LOT! Holding Cordelia on my lap while I eat has become quite a challenge, since she has started grabbing everything in her reach. Cordelia doesn't roll over very often, but is still surprisingly mobile. She inches across the floor and rotates just by kicking her legs up and then putting them down in a slightly different place. She is a happy, content baby and has the sweetest smile.
Cordelia at five months, with Pink Panther
Cordelia at five months
newborn Estella
one-month-old Estella
two-month-old Estella
three-month-old Estella
four-month-old Estella
Estella gets more and more mobile every day. She has become quite a pro at rolling from her back to her stomach, then likes to "body surf" on her stomach by lifting her arms and legs up. She is a sweet, easy baby as long as she is well rested, but quickly has a meltdown if she gets over-tired. Estella is getting more vocal and the best way to describe her vocalization is that it is a very loud SQUAWK! She talks in her crib, she talks to the toys hanging above her on the playmat, and sometimes she talks to nothing in particular.
Estella at five months, with Pink Panther
Estella at five months
Here are my two beautiful, happy five-month-old girls!
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