For Christmas, Adelaida's Grandpa and Grandma gave her a chair of her very own. It is a beautiful chair, pink and purple with green accents, a ruffly base, and a butterfly. It suits Adelaida's personality perfectly!

The chair is exactly the right size for Adelaida. That's not to say that she doesn't have extra room sitting in it -- there's
plenty of extra room, and her feet don't even reach the end of the seat, let alone touch the ground. She'll be growing into this chair for several more years. But it is just her size in that it is too narrow and too short for me or Dale to sit in, and neither Maggie nor Murphy has tried to sit in it yet!

Adelaida's favorite way to use the chair so far has been to climb on it. She can climb from the ground up to the seat, and if the chair is against our couch, can climb from the seat onto the arms of the chair and up to the couch. This has opened up a whole new exciting world for Adelaida, and she often climbs up the chair onto the couch only to slide off the couch and onto the ground and repeat the entire process.
Occasionally, she surprises us by climbing into her chair and then turning around and sitting in it, as if she realizes that sitting in it is the chair's intended purpose.
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