After a rather
harrowing start, we began our visit to Colorado by flying to Denver for a grand total of $100, for all three of us, round trip. Go Southwest!
Elise was very patient with Adelaida and enjoyed walking around with her |
On arriving in Colorado, we reconnected with an old friend. Dale and Andy had worked together at Boeing in Los Angeles several years ago and have kept in touch since then, despite Dale moving to Albuquerque and Andy moving to Denver. When we told them we would be in Colorado, Andy and his wife Kim invited us to their house for some playtime with the kids (they have a two-and-a-half-year-old girl and a one-year-old girl) and dinner. We really enjoyed spending time with them and their kids and hope to see them again when we're in Denver.
Anna and Alexa couldn't get enough of Dale's rough-housing! |
After dinner and lots of fun with Andy and Kim, we drove up to Loveland to spend two nights with Dave and Brooke, who we had
last seen this time last year, when Adelaida was two months old and their girls (Elise, Alexa, and Anna) were four-and-a-half, three, and one-and-a-half. In addition to good opportunities to catch up with Dave and Brooke and to let the girls play together, we arranged for babysitters for both families, and Dave and Brooke joined us on a double date filled with fun and laughter!
Janet holds both Adelaida and Ian, who is two months older than Adelaida |
No trip to Loveland is complete without a family get-together, so we met Charlotte, Aunt Karen, Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve, and Janet's daughter-in-law and two grandsons for lunch. It was a short visit, but we were able to spend some time with the family and let them see Adelaida -- a whole year after Janet and Karen had seen Adelaida last, and she had certainly changed in that time!
Adelaida plays with a straw while sitting on Karen's lap |
We enjoyed seeing the family for lunch and wish we could have spent more time together, and to seen Dale's cousins who weren't able to attend the lunch. But, with only three days to see everyone, we were happy that Charlotte, Karen, Janet, Steve, Elizabeth, Evan, and Ian were able to meet with us on such short notice.
Adelaida and her Mamaw |
After two nights with Dave and Brooke, we spent two days and nights with Charlotte. Adelaida loves her Mamaw and was really excited to see a whole container full of toys that she'd never played with before. We left Adelaida with her Mamaw while we went out on a date with Dave and Brooke, and I think both Adelaida and Charlotte had a good time :)
The short weekend was actually packed with other activities, which I'll post about later.
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