Before we went outside, we had to get ready.
Sarah is ready for the snow!
Elizabeth is ready for the snow!
And thanks to Laura for bringing an extra snowsuit, Adelaida is ready for the snow too!
Benjamin, Cordelia, and Estella mostly watched from inside, although Benjamin did take a few sled rides with Richard and Laura.
Here are some photos of the sledding fun.
Richard sleds down on his belly
Elizabeth decides to go down the sled run just like her daddy, and she loves it!
Dale tries out a new sled run
Those are Dale's legs :)
So much fun!
Sarah flies down the hill
The four die-hard sledders were Richard, Dale, Elizabeth, and Sarah. They couldn't get enough sledding! Laura, Adelaida, Benjamin, and I all went down several times as well, but didn't spend several hours a day sledding like the other four.
Dale and Elizabeth watch as Richard gives Sarah a push
Despite our best efforts to make Adelaida excited about sledding, she didn't really care for it. The rumor is that she did at least one sled run, sitting on Dale's lap, but unfortunately I missed it. Adelaida spent the time that the others were sledding either inside playing with Benjamin, Estella, and Cordelia, or walking up and down the front steps. She had a great time walking up and down the steps and watching everyone else sled! Here, Sarah and Adelaida are walking down the steps together.
Benjamin is ready to sled with Richard, as Laura is on the next sled run
Dale experiments sledding down the hill on the snow shovel. It doesn't go well.
The entire OK Parkes clan: Sarah, Richard, Elizabeth, Laura, and Benjamin
There's nothing quite like a nice cup of hot chocolate after a fun afternoon sledding!
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